| 1. | 2000 m in isol squally showers and ts 局部地区有狂风骤雨及雷暴,能见度2000米。 |
| 2. | 4000 m in isol squally showers and ts 有局部地区性狂风骤雨及雷暴,能见度4000米。 |
| 3. | 2000 m in sct squally showers and ts 有零散狂风骤雨及雷暴,能见度2000米。 |
| 4. | 4000 m in isol squally showers and ts tonkin ne 4 - 5 北部湾吹东风4级,渐转吹东北风5级。 |
| 5. | Isolated squally showers and thunderstorms 局部地区有狂风骤雨及雷暴。 |
| 6. | The outer rainbands of vongfong also brought scattered squally showers to hong kong 黄蜂的外围雨带亦为本港带来零散狂风骤雨。 |
| 7. | As hong kong came under the influence of aere , local weather became unstable with squally showers 受到艾利影响,本港天气变得不稳定及有狂风骤雨。 |
| 8. | Locally , squally showers and thunderstorms set in that evening as hong kong came under the influence of sanvu 受到珊瑚影响,本港同日傍晚开始有狂风骤雨及雷暴。 |
| 9. | 2000 m in mist patches , isol squally showers and ts in s . sea up to 2 m danang e to ne 4 部分地区有薄雾,能见度1000米,南部局部地区有骤雨及狂风雷暴。稍后浪达2米。 |